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Find first Drawings

In my hodgepodge in the studio I have many drawings that I made myself as an application for an apprenticeship and from the time during the design school. Of course, I know these works internally, because I know when I drew something. I like to see the old works and remember.

But I also have much older sheets: I have my father's sketches from the time he was studying at the art school. Drawings of a seeker - you can tell by the lines. Proportions and perspective that are right. Lines darkly hatched with ink or areas with charcoal. The play of light and shadow. Development of shapes that then became forged vessels.

What fascinates me so much about these old drawings? I can see that the one from whom I learned so much, if not everything, once started. I recognize the way he draws and how he represented shapes that he then molded into the material in the third dimension. And of course, looking back, I now see the parallels. My drawings from my youth are strongly adapted to his style. Sure, I learned from him and copied.

And with both of us I see how we each concentrated on our own path and each developed our own style. He his, I mine. Drawing is both external seeing and recognizing - what is where, how does the shadow fall, which detail can I still recognize - as well as imagination! When drawing, I can depict worlds that exist in my imagination. I can depict things that I still want to develop, that will only be shaped further and come into the third dimension when all questions have been clarified by drawing.

It doesn't matter whether my husband is constructing something, I'm designing a piece of jewelery or we're communicating with each other about our ideas - drawings are our mouthpiece. And looking at old drawings or even finding your first drawings is like a journey into your own self. Nice to find peace of mind. When sheets and notebooks with drawings are created in beautiful places during the courses, these are memories of the time there. More intense than a quick cell phone photo of the place because I need time to let the drawing come about. And because when I'm drawing I look much more intensely at what I want to depict. And - very important - depending on my own mood, I see things differently and then present them differently. Even still lifes of things at home are sometimes agitated or cautiously groping and tender. That's special about drawing. Diaries of life in drawings.

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